A slice of music taken from the recently released and rather powerful Ruins EP now today let loose as a rather beautiful single that you can of course find on Bandcamp. Do rather like Stick in The Wheel’s future-take on folk, English dystopia you might say, London, real London, not the gentfified version. Post something or other, rather beautiful yet hacked by weapons, deliciously poetic, bleak yet not all is lost. Stick In The Wheel’s work is rooted in traditional music and song, informed by the modern electronic music that grew out of their hybrid East London heritage, they are rather unique, something rather special….

“The duo’s ongoing collaboration with video artists Zeroh (Neil Hetherington and Daniel Hardiker) has resulted in this night(mare) vision of all that’s lost, a hellscape of nowhere and everywhere. It hits right in the chest”.

“Slow-burn folk/grime-epic Ruins VIP laments civilisations falling again and again, using a 10th century text allegedly citing the fall of Roman Bath. Said the band: “The words from this poem feel particularly resonant today, where cities and communities are being ruined before our eyes from Gaza to Sudan, Congo to Ukraine. We made this track as a lament for all that is happening: past, present, future.” To reflect that fact, all proceeds from the release will go to Médecins Sans Frontières.”
