Where were we? Asked that the time before last time, do we need a new editorial yet? Enough of that and on with this and the music and the what we said last time or last week or last year or many years ago. You’ve read all this already, never mind the damn editorial, cut to the chase and never mind the biscuits or the catfish, jump down past this bit, who needs a damn editorial? Let the actual music do the actual walking and the actual talking. Exact same thing again, another five (or so) slices of musical things that have passed our way recently and however you like to slice it and of course it was the price of apples and here comes the intro, Don’t be flippant she said, how could it ever be flippant? I can’t remember why she said that now, in one ear, out the other, we have a bad attitude here apparently, no respect for those who work in the music industry, the the more important that the music music PR people! No poop Sherlock, have you only jsut workedthat one out?

Five? There’s something rather compelling about five. Cross-pollination? Five more? Is there another way? A better way? A cure for pulling flying rabbits out of the clouds? Is there a rhyme? Is there a reason? Was there ever a reason? What do reasons make? Five more? Snake oil? Everything must go and no, we never do and the proof of the pudding is in that proof reading. When we started this thing, oh never mind, it doesn’t matter why we started this damn thing and like we asked last time, does anyone bother reading the editorial? Does anyone ever actually look down the rabbit hole or is it all just method acting? We do really try to listen to everything that comes in, we do it so you don’t have to, we are very (very) very very picky about what we actually post on these fractured pages or about what gets played on the radio or indeed what we hang in a gallery. Cut to the chase, never mind the editorial, there’s loads of music further down the page, well five or so pieces of music that have come our way in the last few days and what’s Wordsworth? Just the basic facts and links and those sounds (and visuals), that’s surely all you need…

Here we go, five more slices of music that have recently come our wat, this time we star over in Quebec, I think it was Quebec, somewhere in Canada anyway…

1: We Are Winter’s Blue And Radiant Children (WAWBARC) is the new quartet of Mat Ball (Big Brave), Efrim Manuel Menuck (Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Thee Silver Mt. Zion), and Jonathan Downs and Patch One (both Ada). This is the first rather large taste of something rather majestic, more in the other side of the YouTube…

The album, No More Apocalypse Father from which this fine fine track is taken comes out in September, and as someone else said, c’est du mystique. Here comes the Bandcamp, more when we have it

2: Another Neighbor Disappeared – Do we really need to do this five thing again? It is a non-stop opetation. Another Neighbor Disappeared are an American four-piece instrumental post rock band from Portland OR. Says here “the band is known for its dense combinations of different melodies and extended track lengths”, they claim to have a “distinctive sound draws from post rock, atmospheric rock and other heavier influences”. This is the first track, their new single from the up-coming album How to Stay Conscious While Drowning. They’re not big on links, the new music isn’t on Bandcamp yet, hang on here you go

3: Gazelle Twin – We haven’t mentioned her for a month or two, this little piece she posted and especially her words did catch an eye this week though – “This one takes all my strength and nerve to perform live; to be brightly lit, make eye contact, sing words that I am living, not memories being laid to rest”.

Gazelle Twin’s Black Dog Live EP is out now and we’re told there are more live dates coming – ORGAN THING: An unexpected start to the day in the shape of a live EP of Black Dog material from Gazelle Twin, and of course we’re always listening, there is always beauty in her bleakness…

Previous Gazelle Twin coverage via Organ, her Balck Dog album was our album of 2023 – ORGAN: Our best 43 albums of a very musically busy 2023. Who did we rate?

4: Map 71 have a new two track single, “Hypnotic drum rhythms build an environment for stories told by a restless observer. Ritual pulses, angular grooves and metallic clatter woven with a dialogue of Pagan surrealism, existential social comment and abstract sparse verse. Map 71 make haunting, darkly engaging music which is still danceable. Based in Brighton, Lisa Jayne (words/voice) and Andy Pyne (drums/synths)” Here’s the Bandcamp

5: Kugelschreiber have a debut single out soon, well you can buy it now on Bandcamp, there’s a debut album officially out in September. “Kugelschreiber write pop songs inspired by scientific concepts, human behaviour and parallels between the two” s we’re told. It is the first ‘solo’ project of vocalist/bassist Sharron Fortnam, best known for her work with Led Bib, Cardiacs, North Sea Radio Orchestra, Lost Crowns and William D. Drake. The band sees her collaborating with drummer Chip Cummins & keyboardist James Larcombe. They like it lumpy”.

The first single from the album, ‘Cheerleaders’ by Kugelschreiber, released by Wamho Records on September 13th 2024, features the entangled voices of Rob Crow, Mark Holub, Liran Donin, Pete Grogan, Sarah Measures and Emily Jones. Jin Theriault plays recorders on ‘Bigger Than Belly’


ORGAN: Five Music Things – London trio Ebbb step boldly from the shadows, The Flying Luttenbachers, a taste of the new Horse Jumper of Love album, Lyon’s Polarlicht, Melbourne’s Armlock and…

ORGAN: Five Music Things – A rejuvenation for Minny Pops? New York’s Ruby Trademark, Hello Mary, a new video and a piece of music from Agrio’s latest album and from France we have the nicely named We Hate You Please Die….

ORGAN: Five Music Things – The new Jesus Lizard track is sounding good! Something joyous from F*cked Up, The Sheaves, AJA do Chaos Theory, Large Mirage, composer and interdisciplinary artist Gryphon Rue and…

ORGAN: Five Music Things of a heavier nature – Moral Putrefaction portray death metal against the backdrop of India’s political and socio-economic landscape, more Squid Pisser, new High Parasite, Coilguns, a blistering band out of Philadelphia called Cathari and…

ORGAN: Five Music Things – Aquaserge’s resolutely polymorphous music, Die Verlierer’s emergency exit, the lush dark wave of Night in Athens, Otoboke Beaver performing live on KEXP, Kitchen Witch and their soul flavoured stoner rock tinged…

And while we’re here and thinking of (proper) festivals and Beanfields and

We go on…

ORGAN PREVIEW: The Art Car Boot Fair joins Low Live for a Way Art West party by the Westway over in West London, we’re promised a post election comedown or dance up or art attack or something like that, hopefully we’ve voted them out by then…
