Today’s rather powerful Organ Thing of The Day xomes from conceptual sound artist Lola de la Mata, apparently we were fans of the first single shared from the record, KOH – Klee – Uh, released in 2022, returns with new single PINK noise and news of an album Oceans on Azimuth on May 8th. “An avant-garde, auditory odyssey into tinnitus”.

“Lola was told to give up music after developing severe tinnitus and vertigo. Instead, she decided to listen with a new ear, and dive deep into the world of tinnitus to cope with the isolating condition and facilitate connection between sufferers. For this record, she reached out to A.J. Hudspeth in New York who runs the sensory cell lab where they study the cochlea. There, she found collaborators in biophysicists who offered her the unique experience of recording her tinnitus. (She is also doing a PHD on this).

Through all this research and Lola’s innovativeness in sound, Lola’s new record has created avant-garde sonic landscapes crafted from throbbing heartbeats and tinnitus phantoms reimagined through metal, glass, ceramic and ice musical instruments all inspired by forms from the middle and inner ear, as well as field recordings, string instruments, a Claravox theremin, an ear canal shaped gong, and other inventions!” / Bandcamp

Here’s some more from 2022

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