And today would be as good a day as any to post a healthy selection of Grow Up‘s recent Vote Out To Help Out art pieces. Remember now, art is (mostly) a force for good where as those damn self-serving Tories certainly aren’t and a vote for them rather than against them will be seen as a greed light to carry on what they’ve been doing for the last fourteen years and…

You might feel Keir Starmer is a bit of a waste of space, a man with all the charisma of a house brick but, as someone else said, and this is important, he is NOT a hedge fund manager who benefited from and was part of the reason FOR the financial crisis we have had to put up with while they’re taken the piss and filled their pockets. To put it bluntly, “let’s just get rid of these lying criminal self-serving vultures who have asset stripped for fourteen years”. Can you think of a single thing that’s better now than it was when they first got in again? Can you think of a single thing that wasn’t about them looking after themselves and their mates at the expense of the rest of us? Vote out to help out….
